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Biostatistics Notes
This page includes notes for an introductory biostatistics class
taught for public health students at San Francisco State University.
Please note that the class notes on this page are under construction.
The goal in this class is to learn the fundamental concepts of
statistics which are useful in the field of public health, using
computer simulation,
which is used extensively to
illustrate the fundamental probabilistic basis of statistical
inference. The topics covered are fundamental probability
theory, the T-test, the Chi-square test, One way analysis of
variance, Correlation, Regression, and optional topics.
Final Examination
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Administrative Details
San Francisco State University, Fall 2001
Instructor: Travis C. Porco, Ph.D., M.P.H.tcporco@mathepi.com
Class Time: Wednesday, 7:00 PM to 9:45 PM
Class Location: Thornton Hall, Room 425.
Instructor Office Hours: Science, Rm. 392, Wednesdays 5 PM to 6:50 PM.
Required Course Reading
- Innumeracy, by John Allen Paulos. Vintage Books, 1988.
- Probability without Tears, by
Derek Rowntree.
- Primer of Biostatistics, by Stanton Glantz.
- Seeing through Statistics, by Sheila Utts.
- 3/7: homework, due at the beginning of each class.
- 2/7: final exam
- 1/7: project
- 1/7: quizzes
Optional Readings
- How to Lie with Statistics, by Huff. Amusing look at
techniques for clear and effective communication and presentation
of statistical information.
- The Cartoon Guide to Statistics, by Gonick and Smith.
Don't laugh - this book contains serious and useful content.
- How we Know what isn't So. The Fallibility of Reason
in Everyday Life, by Thomas Gilovich.
- Statistics as Principled Argument, by Robert Abelson.
- Statistics, by Freedman, Pasani, and Purves. Elegant
and clear; a classic introduction to statistics.
- The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, by
Edward Tufte. This book shows you how to communicate quantitative
information using visual methods. Beautiful; authoritative.
Course Outline
Proceed to the
course outline.
Thanks to Carol Langhauser, Tomas Aragon, Jack Berry, Jeff Grand
and Mary Beth Love for valuable suggestions. Mathematical symbols
courtesy of pls@astro.umd.edu.
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