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August 29, 2001


Topics: Descriptive Statistics. Math Review.
You should be able to:

September 5, 2001


Topics: Descriptive Statistics. Math review.
You should be able to:

September 12, 2001

Topics: Probability theory. Sample spaces. Independence.
You should be able to: Proceed to probability theory notes.

September 19, 2001

Topics: Probability theory. Independence and conditional probability.
You should be able to:

September 26, 2001

Topics: Probability theory. Binomial distribution. Expectation. Population variance. Cumulative distribution function.
You should be able to:

October 3, 2001

Topics: Statistical inference. Estimating a population proportion using the relative frequency. Hypothesis testing in general. Fisher's Exact Test. The Chi-square Test of Homogeneity in a R by C table. The Chi-square test of independence.

October 10, 2001

Topics: Statistical inference. The sample variance again. The standard error of a sample mean. The normal distribution. The Z-test to compare a sample mean to a putative pre-selected population mean. The Z-test for a single proportion.

October 17, 2001

Topics: Statistical inference. The one-sample T-test to compare a sample mean to a constant. The paired-sample T-test.

October 24, 2001

Topics: Statistical inference. Pooled variance estimators. The two-sample T-test. One-way analysis of variance (beginning).

October 31, 2001

Topics: Statistical inference. One-way analysis of variance. The within-mean-square. The between-mean-square. The F-test.

November 7, 2001

Topics: Statistical inference. Linear regression. The regression mean square. The residual mean square. The T-test for the regression coefficient. The F-test of regression.

November 14, 2001

Topics: Statistical inference. Correlation. Testing whether the correlation coefficient is zero. Relation to linear regression. The squared multiple correlation coefficient.
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